About Me

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Manchester, United Kingdom
I am a second year interactive arts student at Manchester Metropolitan University, and here is what iv been up to, i hope you find some of it interesting.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Sophie's Bluebottle Fly

Sophie from uni actually killed this fly and left it on my desk for me to photograph bless her, (thanks Sophie) even though his face was a bit squashed, he was still beautiful (especially from behind) and i like how his wings are up in the air as if he is in mid flight.

Karol's Bumble Bee

Karol from uni brought this bee in for me to photograph (thank you very much) :) I did struggle with this one, to try and get a shot where he didn't look so dead, and still showing its beauty.

John Hallmén - macro photography (insects)

I recently found out about John Hallmén in the Guardian Newspaper, his macro photography is simply stunning, to be honest it makes me want to just give up the whole macro insect thing. I will carry on with it though but i defiantly just cant rely the photographs, or i would not be satisfied with just a crap version of his photographs. I will have to do something with them.

Here is just some of the equipment he uses to achieve such incredible results. I also understand that he takes multiple exposures and merges them together (HDR) now this i can try.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Trent Parke Under Water Photographs

I have liked these under water photographs by Trent Parke for some time, and i would really like to try some under water photography myself, i just love the strong contrast in these photos.

Adi's Mexican Spider

My friends girlfriend (Adi) very kindly brought this lovely chap in for me to photograph, i especially like his face, his eyes and hair are amazing. I am now on the hunt for all things creepy crawly!

Spider Found in Porch

I like the long shadows cast on these photographs. I am still thinking hard about what i eventually want to do with these images, and i still think painting them BIG would look really good. But maybe i should put a twist in there somewhere, like introducing humans into the composition but messing around with the sizes, so the insects are massive.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Stunned Fly - Macro Photography

The other week, i saw this fly on my leg. I flicked it off and accidentally stunned it. It lay still on the floor so i took my chance and got my camera out. It came back to life soon after i had taken these photos. I really like macro photography anyway, but i think these look especially impressive. Seeing the hairs on a leg of a fly the size of a pea, i find quite amazing! I may blow these up bigger, but this will decrease the quality as they are pretty zoomed in and cropped anyway. I have done something similar to this before and painted the blown up image (which worked really well) so i can paint it as big as i like. This i am sure will have more of an impact. I would also like to give sculpture a go, and maybe create some sort of creature based on these images and others i collect.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Light Film


At the end of foundation last year, i produced this film about light and time, creating a rather bizarre world. Light is still very important to me and is a big factor in my mind when thinking about my work. It excites me when i see beautiful or dramatic lighting in day to day life. And i love to experiment with the light itself, like in this video. I would like to take this obsession with light further, but i am not sure how for the time being.

Also when watching this back, i remember how much i liked the mirror images and that these worked especially well with light-trails and with smoke. They have an organic quality to them but still however appearing very sci-fi-esque. I would like to explore this idea some more, however i am aware that mirror images can tend to look a bit corny.

Friday, 8 October 2010

The Sweded Film Project

VIEW FILM - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC06OOwwEGI

Here is the link to the film we made; a swede of 'Hairspray' it was good fun making the film, i also really enjoyed watching everyone else's. I also found some fantastic sweded films on the internet. Altho this sort of thing is not really my own usual style of art, i do find it very impressive, how resourceful and imaginative people can be.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The Party Project

Our group were doing 'party pieces' so we based our party on circus freaks, i was a cyclops, this is my costume. As for the rest of the project i feel we may have wasted too much time on the costumes and so the decorations suffered, we had fun though.

The Game Project

Over the summer i came up with this game, it is basically the game spoons but using images from my wedding photography and stones i collected when doing a beach clean in Cornwall this summer. I think it was very successful, as people seemed to be very competitive whilst playing it.